Day 10

Bath to York


Today we got up early and took a cab to the Bath Train station. Since we had turned in the rental car, we had booked a train from Bath to York, our next stop. It was kind of nice to sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery of central England and parts of the Eastern coastline. When we arrived at the York train station, I called the Grand Hotel (Our next hotel) for directions. They said that they were about one-half mile walk from the train station, and gave me directions. I immediately got the directions mixed up and headed out the wrong way in the rain. after about a mile walk, I realized that I had made a mistake and we headed back to the train station, since it was still raining we decided to just take a cab to the hotel. It truly was about a half-mile walk, but the cab drove us about 1-1/2 miles due to the one-way streets in York. Nevertheless we arrived, a little wet, to the The Grand Hotel. The Grand Hotel was magnificent, it looks like the hotel that royalty stays when they visit York.

The Grand Hotel

While we had reservations in the Grand Hotel, we had to add a couple days because decided forgo our visit to Wales and driving in England. The Grand Hotel was very accommodating, but we did have to make a room change half way through our stay. Our first room was huge and was handicapped accessible. Our second room was also very nice but not as large and luxurious.


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